Key Information
You may return your item for a full refund (inclusive of all shipping costs) if it is faulty or the case, disc or any part of the product is damaged. You must make a request to return your product through the contact form within 15 business after it is dispatched. This is only applicable if the item is damaged when it is received and does not include damage dealt to the product by the customer or the product becoming faulty as a result of such damage.
Faulty: If the disc does not playback in a DVD player compatible with the disc’s region settings. An item is also regarded as faulty if you experience consistent freezing, skipping or distortion of the picture or sound that is unrelated to your playback devices.
Please be aware that the disc may be tested for faults after your return is received. If it is found that the disc plays back without fault, this will be noted and may affect your ability to place orders with Solandis Media in the future.
Your refund will be processed within 5 business days after you have been notified that a refund will be provided (Refund Confirmation).
When your refund is confirmed, a return address and postage instructions will be provided to you. You will not be required to pay for postage.
The amount of time it will take to receive your refunds depends on the payment method you used. PayPal refunds are sent back to the original payment method used to pay for the order.
Paypal Refunds
Credit Card | Up to 30 days |
Bank Account | Usually up to five business days. |
Paypal Balance | Same day |
Paypal & Credit Card | Same day balance, up to 30 days card. |
Square Refunds
It can take 4-14 Business Days to receive your refund once it’s been issued.
Change Of Mind
Refunds will not be provided for Change Of Mind. You may swap the item for another of the same value. You will need to pay the full shipping cost to return the original item and for the new item. Change Of Mind requests must be made within 15 business of the order being dispatched.